I feel like I have tried EVERY video and data logging system out there. I have done Harry’s LapTimer and many other iPhone based systems, RaceLogic VBOX HD2, Apex Pro, Swhoon, and more GoPro options than I care to admit. Anything that relies on a GoPro for video will fail if you ask me because GoPro remote turn on options rarely work consistently. Systems without video I find a bit boring as I like to relive the day. Some options require having GPS units or OBDII units to become more accurate. Some options require offline editing….who has the time for that? The best option I have ever used was the VBOX HD2 solution, but it is extremely expensive at $5k. When I had a race car it was worth it as you get motorsports grade data logging and 2 HD cameras and everything is spliced in real time for immediate playback on a Mac, iPad, iPhone, or a Windows machine if that is your thing. RaceLogic recently came out with an all in one unit called the VBOX HD Lite which captures data and video but doesn’t seem to splice it in real time. I think this could be an interesting option for many if you are willing to spend $900.
In a similar price point ($900) is the Garmin Catalyst which has a single camera and a large touch screen that has built-in GPS. This unit is becoming very popular for track days as it seems to be nearly an all in one system, with video capture, instant replay, data logging, and…….live coaching. The simplicity is attractive but what I am really interested in is the live coaching which you can play through the car stereo system, through the touch screen’s internal speaker, through a mic out, or if you are a dork like me through a bluetooth comms device that patches into your helmet speakers. The live coaching announces your track time, where you can push more, and where you can brake later based on your current lap time and line versus your previous lap time and line. That kind of AI based coaching could be valuable for those of us who mostly self coach.
Here is the system I have pieced together and once I give it a shake down at Laguna Seca next month I will report back.

UPDATE: I have now taken out the Catalyst on the track and I have to say it is my favorite system so far in the $1,000 price range. It worked flawlessly which I can’t say about many systems I have used. Also the all-in-one package is really nice and easy to use. The video quality is really good, not as good as a GoPro but good enough. The real time analysis is quite good. I paired my system to a bluetooth module so that I could hear the system’s live coaching and time announcements (kind of game changing if you are looking for dynamic coaching without a right seat instructor). The ability to do data overlays to videos on the device back in the paddock is great. This allows you to not only review data and video right after a session you can grab that off the microSD card and share it to help others or to show off. In my case there isn’t much reason to show off :)
While it is extremely good there is room for some improvements over time. I would like all of my driving data to be stored in the cloud. At the moment it seems a subset of the driving data is stored (or at least accessible) in the cloud with the rest being stored locally on the device. As part of this I would like the free companion app to do more. Specially I would like to share more details of my driving data with my saved friends and be able to pull up a friend’s detailed driving data to use as a reference lap for some side by side comparisons. Another call out is that some of the coaching and optimal line recommendations are off so you need to know when to ignore and when to agree, but honestly it is very good so you can mostly agree. I found that at times it was asking me to track out more on turn 11 at Laguna when I was already tracking out as far as there is pavement. I would love them to offer an OBD II accessory that pulled in additional data from the car (RPM, gear, wheel speeds, brake position, throttle position, and steering angle). This would take the system from a casual track day device to an amateur racing device. Other systems have predictive lap time calculated in the moment as you drive, this would be a nice feature to have. I would like there to be two way audio over bluetooth. This would allow me to capture my real time driving comments on Garmin’s video recording. At the moment it does have a good built-in mic so if you are yelling your voice will be picked up but the ideal would be to make the bluetooth connection 2-way versus 1-way, or to have the option of an external mic jack. This would also allow you to patch into a helmet to helmet communication system between a driver and coach, thus allowing you to capture more coaching instructions.
Some of those requests are more niche and would make the device $100 to $200 more expensive and thus perhaps shift the target market from track rat to racer. Other systems have all of these features yet cost $5k (VBOX HD is an example) which is why if Garmin did these improvements they could offer a robust system for $1,200 and sweep more of the market. In some regards they already have swept the market as the number of Catalysts I see on track days is starting to overshadow the other systems. Well done Garmin!!!! I can honestly say I highly recommend the Garmin Catalyst. I also have the Garmin Overlander for my off-road toys and while that is good I think the Catalyst is more thought out and easier to use. For the record Garmin didn’t support this review but I would love them to sponsor the club in case anyone has a connection :)
This was my fastest lap of the day at Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca. At 1:41 there isn’t much to write home about, but hey it’s good for me. Please ignore me congratulating myself on the video for doing a PR in this car at Laguna.