A Motor Club for Enthusiasts, Racers, and Collectors.
WHO WE ARE - SVMC is a social club for men and women drivers and riders that simply want to get out there and connect with their machine. We are a motor club that welcomes all enthusiasts, racers, off-roaders, and collectors alike to get together to talk, drive, ride, and race.
SVMC donates all of its proceeds to charities which means we need support in order to continue to operate. Becoming a SVMC member helps us cover our bills and put on more events. You can also make a donation in any amount. Whether you join the club or simply sign up for our email newsletters we hope to see you at one of our events soon.
- Winston, Club Member 0001
EVENTS - We host the Portola Valley Cars and Coffee each month between April and October that is open to all. Go to our calendar page for more details. If you would like to sync the club calendar with your personal calendar, copy the club calendar feed below into your application of choice.